General Reference Resources
Encyclopędia Britannica - public edition
- In addition to a searchable version of the complete Encyclopędia Britannica, this site also includes selected Web sites,
magazines and books.
Encyclopędia Britannica - academic edition
- Subscription version - requires password
Telephones and post
UK Directory Enquiries
- Searchable online phone
books from
Please note that unregistered users are entitled to only 5 free searches a day on this
Telephone directories on the Web
- International list of the telephone
directories available on the Web.
Post Office
- Information about stamps, postage rates
postcodes and
other postal services. Now requires registration for access to
postcode information.
The Worldwide Holiday & Festival Site
- Brings together information about National
and bank holidays around the world.
Web elements
- The periodic table with thousands of
graphics showing elements
structures and periodic properties. Written by Mark Winter of the University of Sheffield
Unit converter
- Provides appropriate conversions between a whole range of units
Met. Office
- The weather and weather services
UK Sensitive map (University of
- Clickable map, with the ability to go directly to a particular information resource, such as undergraduate prospectus, Library
or Students' Union. Now pretty horribly out of date - probably better using a general search engine!
The Charity Commission for England and Wales
- Including a searchable version of the Register
of Charities
Charity Choice
- The encyclopaedia of charities on the Internet
General Guides to Web information
Yahoo's subject tree of Web resources
Google's directory of
guide to
Reference and subject resources
This site belongs to:
Chris Porter. Birmingham, UK. Created:
12 March 2004 [Last updated:27 April 2004]